Introduction: In the competitive world of acting, establishing connections with casting directors can significantly enhance your chances of landing coveted roles. While some may discourage direct communication with casting directors, claiming it's an industry taboo, my extensive interviews with casting professionals have revealed a different perspective. Many casting directors are open to receiving outreach from actors. In this article, we'll delve into the do's and don'ts of contacting casting directors and provide you with valuable insights to navigate this essential aspect of your acting career.

  1. Can you contact casting directors?

    Despite conflicting opinions, the answer is a resounding yes. Although there are those who exploit social media platforms to sell contact information of casting directors, there is an opposing camp instilling fear, discouraging direct contact. It's understandable to be cautious, but after speaking with numerous casting directors, I've come to realize that reaching out to them is indeed possible. In fact, most casting directors are receptive to such communication, as we'll discover in our interview with Casting Director Stevie Ray.
  2. Do you have an agent?

    If you have an agent, it's important to recognize and respect their role in your career. Agents possess the knowledge, experience, and established relationships necessary to connect you with casting directors effectively. While the information provided in this article can still be valuable, it's crucial to keep your agent informed and seek their guidance before initiating any direct communication with casting directors.
  3. Play it safe

    Understanding the significant influence casting directors wield in the industry, it becomes apparent that building and maintaining positive relationships with them is vital. Even having just one casting director on your side can propel your acting career forward, while multiple supporters can work wonders. Therefore, it's crucial to exercise caution and avoid jeopardizing these relationships. To begin with, limit your outreach to once every 4-6 months, and only when you have something noteworthy to share, as we'll discuss shortly. Additionally, refrain from directly soliciting auditions or expressing a desire for fame, as these approaches may backfire.
  4. Email, don't call

    While cold calling may exhibit boldness, it isn't necessarily the most effective approach. Instead, I recommend the tried-and-true method of reaching out via professional email. Avoid social media direct messaging and cold calling, as they may not yield the desired results. Email remains a reliable and safe means of communication, although responses cannot be guaranteed.
  5. Always have something to show

    When initiating a conversation with a casting director, it's crucial to provide a valid reason for reaching out. Here are a few effective approaches. These three types of emails are most effective when reaching out to casting directors. I advise against soliciting auditions and sending weekly headshots. Instead, focus on sharing exciting new developments sparingly.
    1. Introduction: If you've never had the opportunity to meet a particular casting director, it's acceptable to introduce yourself via email. This method is particularly useful if you've recently relocated to a new city or are returning to acting after an extended break.
    2. New content: If you've recently produced an exceptional short film or obtained an impressive new showreel, sharing these accomplishments can serve as an excellent conversation starter. Remember, the quality of your work is paramount.
    3. Upcoming show: Inviting casting directors to your upcoming show can showcase your involvement in the industry and provide an opportunity for them to witness your talent firsthand. Offer complimentary tickets and make attending as convenient as possible. Even if they are unable to attend, this gesture demonstrates your commitment and gives you a reason to connect.
  6. Keep it succinct

    Regardless of the purpose of your email, it's essential to maintain brevity and conciseness. Casting directors lead busy lives and are unlikely to read through lengthy emails detailing your life story. To maximize the chances of your email being read and your showreel being viewed, craft a succinct and professional message. While maintaining a casual tone, there's no need to resort to overly formal salutations like "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam."
  7. Don't expect a response

    It's important to bear in mind that casting directors are exceptionally busy individuals. Therefore, it's unrealistic to anticipate an immediate or even a prompt response to your outreach. Lack of a reply does not necessarily imply disinterest or disregard. Should you wish to follow up casually after a few weeks, it's acceptable to do so. However, refrain from persistently pestering casting directors. Remember, the primary goal is to avoid annoying these influential industry figures. If you don't receive a response after a few attempts, graciously accept it and make a note to reconnect at a later time.


In conclusion, contacting casting directors is indeed a viable option for actors seeking to advance their careers. While it may not always result in a response, my experiences and interviews with professionals indicate that many casting directors appreciate receiving emails from actors. Freelance actors, in particular, can build fruitful relationships with casting directors by employing tact and professionalism. Remember to respect the role of your agent if you have one, as they possess the expertise to navigate the industry. Approach contacting casting directors with caution, maintaining a balance between assertiveness and restraint. By utilizing email as your primary communication method, providing compelling reasons for reaching out, and keeping your messages succinct, you increase your chances of making a positive impression. Although responses may not be immediate, perseverance and respectful follow-ups can yield opportunities in the future. Ultimately, strive to be friendly, genuine, and considerate when engaging with casting directors, as a good impression can go a long way in the competitive world of acting.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

About Tomasz Mieczkowski

Tomasz Mieczkowski is the co-founder of and all of the related websites for film and tv industry professionals.

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