We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

Henry W. Laster - Web For Actors client


I just started using your site, but it is very fast and user friendly. I am so glad that I am using your site. i have already had one director to look at my profile and said it was impressive.

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Actor Website Tips | Optimize your images. Headshots from you photographer are way too big in the raw format.

Don't upload raw headshots to your Actor Website This happens way more with actor websites and model website than any other websites out there.Here's a scenario. You get your headshots taken by a photographer. They look great. Your photographer gives you raw,...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website on a long elevator ride.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Do your homework. Know what you're going up for and who you're talking to.

Actor Dictionary | Background / Ambient Sound

What you should know

The terms "background" and "ambient" are usually interchangeable in the world of sound. This is used to describe sound that is not the focus off attention, but is just as crucial for your film. Ambient sound serves many purposes. It can be used to convey setting. For example, if you hear traffic in your background noise, it establishes a metropolitan city setting. The sound of waves establishes an ocean or a beach setting. It can also be used to determine time of day. For example, if you here crickets in the background, it establishes the time of day as the evening. No matter what, there will always be background sound in your film. Even if you are conveying part of your film where the actors are silent and standing still in an empty room, the "sound" of that empty, quiet room is very important to capture. The audience will notice if this sound is not there. We refer to this sound as "room tone".

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